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Preparing Learners for Tomorrow: The Future of Education and Digital Teaching

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Looking back in time, students could only complete schoolwork in a classroom. The COVID-19 pandemic made significant changes, and there is no doubt that technology has impacted how we live and interact. As new technology emerges, it is being incorporated into our everyday lives. The education field has been implementing new learning methods to help students succeed in their academic journeys. Competency-based education has been a game changer. According to the Southern Regional Education Board (2018), “Without new learning models, a college degree will remain unattainable for the 29 million Americans qualified to enter college, but for whom family, work and socio-economic circumstances preclude completion of a traditional program” (p. 6). As more students opt for this new learning method, critical issues emerge. Learning from all these experiences is essential to create an educational environment that fosters innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.

A New Way of Learning

Competency-based education is becoming more popular as an alternative to traditional teaching practices. The Southern Regional Education Board states (2018):

In competency-based education, students move through a course at their own pace as they master pre-determined competencies. Course length is not defined by a calendar and is not measured by Carnegie units. Technology tools provide timely assessment to students on where they stand on competencies and what they need to complete. (p. 6)

This new approach is becoming more popular among students, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, because now there is an option where students can see their progress when concepts have been mastered rather than learning in a set amount of time and having to meet standards in order to continue their learning journey. In order to make this learning method successful, schools must use learning management systems to facilitate the delivery of schoolwork and track students' educational progress. These systems provide flexibility and accessibility for students to do schoolwork anytime. According to Blanca Raby (2022), the most popular forms of learning management systems include Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard. However, more management systems can be integrated to enhance the student's learning experience, such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Overall, integrating these new learning methods provides a more personalized learning experience for students, allowing them to complete their work at their own pace and efficiently use online learning platforms that will help them succeed and take a role in society in the future.

Image retrieved from

Digital Literacy and Accessibility

Other challenges technology has brought into the education field are digital literacy and accessibility. Even though they sound similar, the meanings are different. As the Southern Regional Education Board states, "Literacy means not only the ability to read and write but also to be fluent in a world of digital information. Digitally literate citizens have the knowledge and skills to access, evaluate, manipulate, utilize, design and develop information — and ultimately to learn from the digital environment" (p. 7). Unfortunately, some teachers and students were not prepared with the necessary skills during the pandemic, so this issue must be addressed in today's learning practices. "Digital literacy belongs beside reading, writing and math as a fundamental skill in the modern world" (p. 7). Digital literacy skills should be part of a student's learning experiences at all levels. In order to create a more inclusive learning environment, the digital divide needs to be addressed, to create equal access to equipment and internet access for all students. Institutions should adopt digital literacy standards and incorporate the skills students need to enter the workforce.

Another issue arising as technology is used in education is digital accessibility which is the development of technology resources and making sure these resources are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. According to Deque Systems (2018), over 57 million in the United States cannot use digital platforms because of an auditory, visual, speech, or cognitive impairment. This is when educators should look for ways to make content accessible to everyone. Microsoft Learn Educator Center is an excellent resource that can help address this issue. This platform includes education training and professional development for teachers to help them meet educational goals and provide an equal education to everyone. Teachers can utilize these resources to implement them in the classroom and have accessibility resources for students with disabilities (Microsoft Learn Educator Center, n.d). Students with disabilities require specialized technology. Ensuring that platforms and tools are designed with accessibility is essential to provide equal opportunities for all students (SREB, 2018). In order to address this issue, educators must work and find ways to include everyone in the learning without exceptions. Deque Systems (2018) mentions how implementing accessibility features such as alternative text for images, captions for videos, screen readers, Braille display, and speech-to-text are some alternatives that can help students to reach their learning goals.

Deque Systems mentions how the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are organized by principles. The acronym POUR explains each of these principles makes resources accessible to everyone (2018).

Image retrieved from What is Digital Accessibility? Youtube Video

Technology Security

Technology security, also known as cybersecurity, protects data information, devices, and programs from attacks and unauthorized access. Schools are integrating technology and online education, creating another critical security issue. According to the Southern Regional Education Board (2018), "More schools and institutions now use third-party vendor networks, cloud-based services, and online educational tools than ever before, which makes them vulnerable to external access" (p. 8). Education institutions will continue to use learning management systems, and having a large amount of data makes them a target for cyber threats. People should be trained to analyze, understand, and interpret data to benefit students. If this information is misused, it can lead to severe problems. Students need to guarantee that their data and learning experience is protected.

The Southern Regional Education Board (2018, p. 8) provides practices to ensure technology security, such as:

● Use strong passwords and change them often.

● Classify information in each paper and electronic records system according to sensitivity and the organizational risk if that information was accidentally or intentionally accessed by anyone without a need to know.

● Collect the minimum amount of personal information necessary to accomplish educational purposes and retain it for the minimum time necessary.

● Use appropriate physical and technological safeguards, such as video surveillance or alarms, to protect personal information, particularly higher-risk information, in paper and electronic records.

● Dispose of records and equipment containing protected information securely.

● Document security plans and revise them annually or whenever there is a material change in data delivery, storage, and access practices.

Closing Remarks

It is true that as more innovations are coming out, new issues are arising. Different methods for students to continue their learning allow them to accomplish their goals. As schools integrate digital learning, they must ensure that everybody has access to complete coursework, including students with disabilities. Digital literacy is essential as well. Students should be able to use technology effectively and responsibly. Privacy plays an important role when working with online platforms, and institutions should look at all these issues to provide a great experience to all students utilizing technology to learn. Educational institutions, stakeholders, and the government should address these issues to create a better learning system that will benefit everyone. As a future educator, I aspire to learn more about ways to help students succeed in the classroom, including those with a disability. Preparing students today with the right tools and skills will create citizens that will contribute to our society in the future.


Deque Systems. (2018, May 17). What is Digital Accessibility? [Video]. YouTube.

Raby, B. (2022, September 1). Platforms VS Learning Management Systems: What you need to know [Video]. YouTube.

Sadadow (n.d.). Educator Center Overview – Microsoft Learn Educator Center. Microsoft Learn.

SREB (2018). 10 Issues in Educational Technology (pp. 6–8) [Review of 10 Issues in Educational Technology]. Southern Regional Education Board.

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Dr. Jennifer Miller
Dr. Jennifer Miller
Aug 11, 2023

POWER~ never seen this before and it is such an easy reminder for us! This list informing and reminding us on the importance of cybersecurity is so very helpful. I wonder if parents understand this? It might be something to consider as we start back to school.


Isis Cardenas
Isis Cardenas
Aug 03, 2023

Hello Jessika,

I enjoyed reading your article titled “Preparing Learner for Tomorrow: The Future of Education and Digital Teaching.” The title immediately caught my attention, and the article was very easy to read. I particularly liked the organized structure of your article and the way you linked one topic to the next. The graphics included were also a great addition. Additionally, your article had proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You used accurate citations and maintained a consistent APA format throughout.

I agree that digital literacy skills should be incorporated into the education of students at all levels. However, I believe this is also important for adults, including teachers, administrators, directors, etc.

As educators, we should also be mindful of digital…

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