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Knowledge Management in the Modern World

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Knowledge Management in the Modern World

What Is Knowledge Management?

In today's rapidly evolving and interconnected world, knowledge management has taken on an unprecedented significance. According to Robert Reiser (2001b), "Knowledge management is one of the most recent trends to have affected the field of instructional design" (p.64). First, we need to understand what knowledge management means. According to the website IBM (n.d.), “Knowledge management (KM) is the process of identifying, organizing, storing and disseminating information within an organization.” This concept has become a vital component of success in fields such as business and education. It allows organizations to leverage their intellectual assets to remain competitive and adaptive.

Image retrieved from Canva

Learn more about knowledge management by watching the following video:

Why Is Knowledge Management Important?

Knowledge management enables efficient information retrieval, promotes collaboration and innovation, and ultimately leads to improved decision-making. Its significance lies in its ability to enhance productivity, foster a culture of learning, and contribute to the success and sustainability of organizations.According to Sarah Amsler (2019), there are three types of knowledge:

  • Explicit knowledge. This type of knowledge is codified -- meaning it is found in books, files, folders, documents, databases, and how-to videos.

  • Tacit knowledge. This form of knowledge is intuitive. It is based on experience and practice and often helps achieve long-term goals.

  • Embedded knowledge. This knowledge is found in systemic processes, routines, manuals, structures, and organizational cultures.

Some common knowledge management activities include:

  • Documenting processes, procedures, and best practices.

  • Conducting training sessions and workshops.

  • Building knowledge bases and FAQ documents.

  • Using collaboration tools like shared drives for knowledge sharing.

  • Capturing discussions through email, chat transcripts, and forum posts.

  • Mapping out internal experts and establishing communities of practice.

  • Measuring and reporting knowledge management metrics like usage, contribution, and impact.

Knowledge Management Resources

Knowledge management tools play a key role in helping organizations effectively create, share, and utilize knowledge. These tools allow for capturing employee expertise, standardizing processes, and making information easily accessible across the company. Some of the most well-known tools are:

Microsoft SharePoint: According to Microsoft AppSource. (n.d.), “SharePoint knowledge management allows simple access to an aggregate of service knowledge hidden inside the various silos for quicker decision making. It helps to increase your Employee Productivity & make your teams more self-sufficient.” It offers features for document and content management, collaboration, access control, and structured repositories, making it a valuable tool for knowledge management initiatives.

Google Drive: This tool can serve as a knowledge management tool for individuals and organizations by facilitating the organization, storage, and sharing of various documents and information. Shweta Shukla states in her blog How To Use Google Suite For Knowledge Management? (2023),

Google Drive is a cloud-native app from Google Workspace that helps you store, share, edit, and collaborate on your documents. Not only does it store your files, but it also provides end-to-end secured access and encryption for your documents. Moreover, Google embeds its powerful searching abilities in Drive, offering speed and reliability for your team.

Google Drive primarily focuses on document and file management, it can effectively serve as a knowledge management tool, especially for smaller organizations and teams looking for a simple and cost-effective way to organize and share knowledge.

Document360.: This tool enables organizations to create public and private knowledge bases (Document360, 2023). Features include the ability to roll back to previous versions, analytics and reports, advanced security access, and third-party integrations with tools such as Microsoft, Zendesk, and Intercom. It provides a structured and organized way to manage content and knowledge within an organization.

Survey Monkey: The blog titled 5 Best Knowledge Management System Examples states how Survey Monkey “has a knowledge base that makes it possible to search through hundreds of helpful resources by topic or keyword” (Document360, 2023). This platform serves as a knowledge system by facilitating the collection, organization, analysis, and sharing of data and information through surveys. It plays a vital role in extracting meaningful insights and knowledge from respondents, enabling organizations and individuals to make data-informed decisions and continuously improve their operations and services.

Knowledge Management and Instructional Design

Since its inception, smart technology usage has gradually increased. With the COVID-19 pandemic, that usage has skyrocketed. Robert Reiser discusses in his article A History of Instructional Design and Technology: Part II (2001b) how “Knowledge management is one of the most recent trends to have affected the field of instructional design” (p.64). Knowledge management ensures that instructional designers have easy access to up-to-date information and resources. This access is invaluable for creating effective and relevant learning materials. Reiser (2001a) states that "there has been a significant increase in the use of instructional media in a variety of settings, ranging from business and industry to the military and higher education" (p.60). Instructional designers can leverage existing organizational knowledge to create content that is tailored to the organization's needs and objectives by utilizing different types of media. In a rapidly changing world, KM helps instructional designers stay current with the latest trends and industry best practices, ensuring that training programs are always relevant. Technology and creative ideas have become a big part of how we design learning materials and teach.

Image retrieved from Canva

Final Thoughts

Knowledge management in today's world is not only about storing data, but also about using it to drive efficiency and innovation. It is critical in instructional design to ensure that learning materials are relevant and current. As we have been learning, knowledge management is heavily influenced by digital transformation, collaboration, and emerging technologies, making it ever-evolving and indispensable for the corporate and educational fields.


5 Best Knowledge Management System Examples. (2023, September 1). Document360. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from management-system-examples/

Amsler, S. (2021, January 19). What is knowledge management? -- definition from Content Management. 00managementKM#:~:text=Knowledge%20management%20is%20the%20process,training% 20documents%20and%20people%20skills.

IBM. (n.d.). What is Knowledge Management? IBM. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from

Reiser, R. A. (2001a). A History of Instructional Design and Technology: Part I: A History of Instructional Media. Educational technology research and development, 49(1), 53-64.

Reiser, R. A. (2001b). A History of Instructional Design and Technology: Part II: A History of Instructional Design. Educational technology research and development, 49(2), 57-67.

SharePoint knowledge management software. Find the right app | Microsoft AppSource. (n.d.).

Shukla, S. (2023, September 19). How to use google suite for knowledge management?. xFanatical. management/

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